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Twinkle Dots

Suzuki Early Childhood Education Programme

A weekly, music-based programme of activities for children aged 0-3 years, developing the whole child


Parent/carer and child growing together in a positive, encouraging environment


A constant curriculum to ensure thorough mastery -fostering ability instead of the traditional ‘teach and move on’ approach

SECE classes are unique in their use of a quiet, calm atmosphere – something not seen in other baby music classes.  We use very little talking.  The children learn through imitation of both teachers and parents.  Children also learn from each other in our mixed age group classes, from birth to age 3.


We use a curriculum consisting of the songs and rhymes you will hear on your SECE recording.  Every family is given a recording when they join the programme.  Children thrive on repetition and familiarity, building confidence and skills over their time in the classes.  The recording should be listened to daily with your child, leading them in their learning.


We have a calm, distraction-free environment for our classes, providing the best possible learning environment.


An important feature of the class is that the children learn by watching the teacher, their parent and the other children.  Parents participate fully in the class – they join in with the songs and activities as soon as they can and encourage their child through their own participation!


Learning early social skills is a built-in feature of the curriculum.  For some activities, children learn to wait their turn and accept that maybe this week, they will not get a turn but can look forward to getting a turn in future classes.  We develop sharing skills, listening skills and patience.


Parents are asked to journal at the end of each class, recording their child’s successes and developments both over the short and long term.  It is lovely to be able to look back over what your child has achieved and develop an appreciation of the steps being made.



Dr. Suzuki said, ‘children learn to smile from their parents.’ 

We are sure you’ll find plenty of times to smile in our class!

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Classes are held weekly during term-time.

Each term runs for 10 weeks in various locations around Nottingham and charged termly at a cost of £80 per term. 

Places are limited to 10 families per class.

Please message Ruth for more details.

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